Thursday, June 9, 2011

Photo Shoot of Mary Walter, 5 Months

Life is a Canvas

Painting with G Daddy at the beach...will post photos of the finished product!

Mary Walter Laughing

Mary Walter laughing at her daddy

Memorial Day Weekend at the Rivah

Jack tubing in the Pamlico River with Uncle Shelton! He had a wonderful time.

We did not have any real plans for Memorial Weekend until we got in touch with Uncle Shelton who was in town for the off to the River we went! We played in the river and boated for a bit. What a wonderful time we had!

Captain Shelton and his co.captain Jack!

Footprints in the sand

We are leaving our footprints in the sand in Indian Beach this week with G Daddy, P and Braxton. We have had a wonderful week exploring the beach and swimming at the pool. We wanted to share some of the fun photos from the week so far!
Jack held a sand fiddler for the first time and enjoyed throwing them back into the ocean.

Guess who finally enjoys the ocean?! Jack before this trip would not get near the water, but noticed a boy, a bucket and a he doesn't want to get out of the water!

The life of a two year old is so rough! Jack laid in the sand and sunned yesterday in between his wave jumping!

This is one of my favorite photos from yesterday. He stood in the water just watching the waves.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Long Two Days

Fever, coughing, throwing up and crying....that's what we have experienced for the last two days, but we went to the beach anyway! Jack was so excited about "going to the beach" for the night. When he saw the ocean, he insisted on going to see the ocean. After walking in the sand for about ten (10) minutes, he was done. He did enjoy watching the dolphins from the balcony. Mary Walter didn't mind the beach either way. She went for a short walk but returned to the shade after about ten (10) minutes as well.

We hope the fresh air will help Jack feel better very quickly and we hope that Mary Walter will not catch what he has. I am hoping to post photos tomorrow since we will be home all day!

On a side note, we would like to congratulate Betsy and Brandon on their marriage!

You don't need a ticket to ride on this train...All aboard!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mary Walter: R-E-S...

R: Rollin'. Mary Walter is almost five (5) months old and has been rolling from stomach to back, back to stomach. She does not have much time to sit still these days and loves to roll around on the blanket. She is able to get up on her arms and does move, but not crawling yet.

E: Eating. Mary Walter has just started eating rice cereal. It wasn't until today that I really think she is getting the hang of it. She is a hand sucker which is a problem when you are trying to get her to eat. Today she removed the hand, opened her mouth, kept the cereal in her mouth then put her hand back in there. Movin' on up...

S: Standing. Mary Walter has come to enjoy her exersaurcer. She is able to stand in it as she spins one of the rolling devices. It is a lot of fun to watch her excitement as she continues to learn and discover.

Jack: PT Day One

Bring on the Training, but you can keep your Potty! Jack had a two year old check up with his physician last week. For the most part, he is perfect, we all knew that. Well...the topic came up about potty training. Jack is very interested (and owns) big boy underware, but has no interest in peeing in the potty. The doctor suggested hanging out (literally) in the backyard this the nude.

One afternoon, I took Jack and Mary Walt to the back yard and stripped Jack down. At first he demanded I put pants on him. I said no. He said, Mom I have to pee pee. Here is where the magic happened. I simply stated, "Just pee pee in the grass." That little boy's face lite up like a christmas tree, then he proceeded to pee in the grass, and the swing, and in the play house.

This was just day one folks...

The Celebration Continues

Today at lunch after singing "Happy Birthday" to a friend, Jack decided to continue celebrating his birthday. He performed a solo "Happy Birthday Jack" for the group. How long will the celebrating continue?

On the lines of celebrating, Jack will be moving to the TWO class at preschool in September! He came home today with a commemorative t.shirt from the ONE class (photos will follow). Preschool will be ending next week so the summer will officially begin.

This summer we hope to travel to each grandparents home for a few days as well as meet our new cousins, Parker and Jacob. Please continue to visit for updated photos and post!

And the Journey begins

A Journey. A noun. Definition: An act of traveling from one place to another. While swinging in the backyard beside my naked two year old, I decided that it was time for me to journal on a regular basis. I have many thoughts, some worth sharing most not; however, my children are always worth sharing. This journey we call life with two children, I hope to document through photos and posts for our family. Please climb aboard the L Train.