Fever, coughing, throwing up and crying....
that's what we have experienced for the last two days, but we went to the beach anyway! Jack was so excited about "going to the beach" for the night. When he saw the ocean, he insisted on going to see the ocean. After walking in the sand for about ten (10) minutes, he was done. He did enjoy watching the dolphins from the balcony. Mary Walter didn't mind the beach either way. She went for a short walk but returned to the shade after about ten (10) minutes as well.
We hope the fresh air will help Jack feel better very quickly and we hope that Mary Walter will not catch what he has. I am hoping to post photos tomorrow since we will be home all day!
On a side note, we would like to congratulate Betsy and Brandon on their marriage!
You don't need a ticket to ride on this train...All aboard!